Minggu, 25 Januari 2015


Teman-teman, saudaraku sekalian ini adalah kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif berimajinasi dan berkreasi. SEMOGA BERMANFAAT :)


1.      Materials and Tools
Material and Tools
Reuse paper of A4

2.      Steps of  Work

1.      Roll a sheets of used paper parallel to its diagonal

2.      Glue the end of its corner

3.      Redo step 1 and step 2
4.      Make a group consist of three person, so you have 6 rolled sheets
5.      Cut one end of 2 rolled sheets approximately 2 cm
6.      Cut two ends of 1 rolled sheet approximately 2 cm
7.      Construct a pyramid based on triangle
8.      Combine 2 rolled sheets that had cut one of its end with spin method.
9.      Enter 2 rolled sheets to a rolled sheet that had cut two of its end. Three rolled sheets that had combined become standing flanks.
10.  Combine 3 other rolled sheets become triangle with spin method as a base of pyramid
11.  Combine 3 rolled sheets that become standing flanks to 3 other rolled sheets that become base of triangle

3.      Photo

4.      Suggestion
a.       The size of rolled sheets that are used for construct triangular pyramid must be same and tight
b.      Each group should have compactness so they can construct the pyramid triangular easily
c.       From this activity the students should find the characteristics of  triangular pyramid


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